Strawberry Hill Procurement vision:

Procurement in general:
Procurement has considerably changed over the last 20 years and has developed a more dominant role within the organization (e.g. increase of CPO’s ). In my view procurement will focus in the next few years on responsibility, sustainabilty of products and production processes as well as innovation power / creativity of suppliers to ensure that their clients will get excellent service and also perceive it as such!
Products and services will become more complex, life cycle decrease etc. so it will be KEY for procurement to have a first class preferred supplier network. The need for long-term relationships will increase to generate and ensure the necessary innovations and investments. Compliance will play a major role in this to decrease company's risks i.e. reduce till zero.

MarCom procurement for global and regional operating companies like FMCG’s is of importantance, as the quality of goods & services need to fully support the brand image. Close corporation between Procurement, Brand- and Trade Marketing and other involved departments will not only contribute to first class products & services and on-time delivery, but also guarantee brand consistency.

Implementation of internet applications like e.g. e-procurement tools becomes more important, customers / organizations require transparancy and visibility. This will help them to make better decisions, speed-up the process and realizing considerable cost savings (time and money).